The Elders: Wilbert Ruelle of Niagara, Wisconsin

Photo: Jupiter, Florida. 1988. Susan Allen.

My Great-Grandfather, Wilbert Ruelle, was born in Niagara, Wisconsin in 1906. Wilbert’s parents spoke French, the language of their European immigrant ancestors. His father and uncles worked low paying, physically dangerous jobs in the lumber industry. Born as one of eight children, Wilbert’s brother Clifford died of pneumonia at age five. He would later comment, “At that time, we didn’t go to doctors.” One time in the middle of the night, when Wilbert was young, he and his family woke up to the sounds of a wolf attacking their horses.

After Wilbert retired, he and my Great-Grandmother, Atha, moved from Wisconsin to Florida. This picture features Wilbert and I, upon meeting for the first time. Just shy of one year old, this photo also captures the first and last time I will ever wear a bowtie.



Jordan David Allen

Wisconsin Writer & Editor I Former Public School Teacher